Fallout new vegas not working
Fallout new vegas not working

fallout new vegas not working

Load the game and pause it (hit the Escape / Esc Button)Ģ. This was a suggestion by one of our users. "My Sound Still Isn't Playing! What Else Should I Try?" Click the "Add" button and select the Fallout EXE for 32 bit or 64 bit version(s) installed Select "DirectShow Control" in the list and then click the "edit" button next to the "Don't use ffdshow in:" optionĤ. Right click the system tray icon "ffdshow audio decoder" (NOT "ffdshow video decoder") and then select "ffdshow Audio Decoder"ģ. Load a video so that your FFDShow Audio Codec pops up in the system trayĢ.

fallout new vegas not working

Uninstall the FFDSHOW codec via Add/Remove Programsġ.

fallout new vegas not working

If this is the case, it may be a problem caused by the FFDSHOW codec that many often install from either codec packs or manually to watch videos on their computer. "My Audio / Sound is STILL Messed Up, How Else Can I Fix It?" If that doesn't work, then the problem below may be what's causing your audio issues. Put the game into Window Mode (oddly enough, this solves the problem for some) Try using analog instead of optical audio output* (thanks OmniNegro).ġD. If not remedied yet, disable 7.1 or 5.1 sound output. This is usually solved by updating your audio / sound drivers.ġB. no sound or timing of sound is off, etc.) "My Game Audio / Sound is Messed Up" (i.e. It also wouldn't hurt if you could post your system specs on here. Hopefully one of these help you with your problem. I have done some research on fixes for your dilema.

Fallout new vegas not working